
What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Are you the recent victim of a slip and fall accident? A slip and fall usually occur on a slippery surface. Your feet slip from underneath you, and your body’s center of gravity hurtles backward. It is nearly impossible to catch yourself with no traction under your feet. You continue to plummet downwards towards the ground.

Slip and fall accidents can cause some serious injuries. You may sustain strained muscles in the back, side, shoulders, or neck. Or you may experience something much more severe like a fractured hip, skull, or herniated disc. These injuries can be highly debilitating. They may cause you to lose time from work, suffer painful treatment and surgeries, and decrease your quality of life for years to come.

This type of accident commonly occurs because of wet, slippery floors. A waxy surface, a spill, or snow and ice can lead to dangerous conditions. If you are the victim of a slip and fall accident, learn how to ensure the best care and compensation possible.

Here is what to do after a slip and fall accident:

Step #1: Seek medical attention after a slip and fall.

First and foremost, you need to seek medical attention. A slip and fall, especially in a public place, can often be embarrassing. Because of this, many people refuse assistance and forego medical attention. This can be highly detrimental to your health and may hinder any legal proceedings later.

Slipping can cause many injuries, many of which can lead to serious disabilities if not treated properly. Be sure to visit an emergency room immediately to get a full assessment of your condition.

Step #2: Take pictures of the accident.

Most slip and fall accidents lead to visible signs of injury. You will likely encounter swelling, bruising, inflammation, cuts and open wounds.

Have someone close to you take pictures of these injuries. These images will act as proof of your suffering and could prove to be crucial in the event of a court case. Take multiple pictures from different angles and ensure there is good lighting.

Step #3: Collect documentation.

Documentation is essential when it comes to winning a slip and fall case. The more documentation you have, the easier it will be to defend your position and show the court exactly what happened, both at the accident site and afterward.

Obtain pictures of the accident site. Keep any receipts that may be applicable. Obtain medical records and copies of images such as x-rays. Speak with witnesses who saw the accident happen and collect their contact information. Keep any items of clothing that you were wearing at the time of the accident and safely store them away.

It is also essential to receive documentation from your work that outlines missed time due to the incident. The documentation will keep your personal injury lawyer prepared and organized.

Step #4: Talk to the property owner.

Reporting the accident is very important. If you were at a store or a public location when the fall happened, speak to the property owner and explain what happened. If you are at work, talk to your supervisor.

You can ensure that your memories are fresh and the accident scene can be appropriately preserved by reporting everything immediately. It also ensures no lag time when filing the piles of paperwork associated with a slip and fall.

Step #5: Write everything down.

Write down everything as soon as you feel well enough after the incident. Get a notepad and a pen, or use your cell phone and document everything you can remember. Begin before the accident happens and write down every bit of information you can remember. Even the smallest detail could prove to be helpful later on.

The stress of an accident can often cause memories to become cloudy. This becomes especially true if a head injury is sustained. Documenting the incident immediately after it happens is the best way to ensure accuracy and keep your memories fresh.

Step #6: Talk to a personal injury lawyer.

As soon as you are feeling well enough, it is highly advisable to contact a personal injury lawyer. A personal injury lawyer is specialized in the area of slips and falls. They can determine if you are eligible for compensation for your injuries and will fight to get you all you deserve. Most lawyers will offer a free, no-obligation consultation to talk to you about your unique situation and determine the best course of action.

A slip and fall accident can be a painful and debilitating experience. It can keep you from participating in your love activities and significantly impact your financial wellbeing. By seeking immediate medical attention, you will be able to recover quickly. Plus, you will get the compensation you deserve by being diligent about collecting and preserving as much documentation as possible.

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