
7 Advantages of Living Near Water

There is something quite magical about living near water. Many people claim that there are advantages of living near water. Research has even shown that living near the water positively impacts us.

How often have we seen TV shows where someone lives near the sea or ocean, and we think to ourselves, “Gosh, that is a gorgeous view! I’d love to live somewhere like that one day!” Even if you live close to something man-made, such as pools, fountains, or even a pond, it can positively affect you.

In real estate, there is a growing demand in waterfront property for sale and purchase. That’s because waterfront living can be incredibly appealing. Here are seven advantages of living near water:

Advantage #1: Living near fresh air

Living near water can have many health benefits, both for the mind and body. For example, if you live near the sea, the air you breathe may be fresher. This is because the air exposed to this water will be charged with more negative ions. This helps in the absorption of oxygen.

It can also positively affect serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with stress and mood. There is nothing quite like taking a few deep breaths of fresh air to make you feel good all over.

Advantage #2: Helps immune system

When you live near water, you feel more relaxed, which means your stress level can decrease. This can have a positive impact on your immune system by strengthening it. If you have a strong immune system, your body is better positioned to help fight infections and illnesses. The bottom line is you feel healthier for longer periods. Even if you do get sick, chances are, you will recover quicker.

Advantage #3: You get better sleep

We all know that one of the most important things is sleep to maintain good health. We need to sleep well and be fully rested. Living near water can help you sleep better, which will keep you healthier. You feel better and more energetic throughout the day. If you don’t get proper sleep, you can feel tired later on in the day and feel less motivated.

Even just seeing a body of water can make you feel better and more relaxed. You can enjoy a deeper, more restful and relaxed sleep pattern daily. You feel rejuvenated in the morning.

Advantage #4: Helps you to live mindfully

If you live away from the hustle and bustle of city life, it can get to you sometimes. Yet again, we touch on the topic of anxiety and stress. Living near water can help reduce this. The sight or sound of water can offer mindfulness. It allows you to engage in mental health activities such as meditation and deep breathing.

Living close to a water source can have a powerful impact, and get healthier with mental health activities to boost your mind, body and soul.

Advantage #5: Opportunities for exercises

Some people love to exercise near water. We all need to have some kind of exercise for better health. People may go swimming, go for bike rides near water, or you could even do yoga. Some people like to meditate close to water.

Others can enjoy other exercise activities such as tai chi. Some people go to the beach to enjoy volleyball, soccer and other sporting activities.

Advantage #6: Living close to nature

Living near water gives you a sense of being with nature or feeling close to nature. This is a feeling that many of us love and enjoy. Many people are always so busy or too stressed to fully understand this.

This is why many of these people may have mental health and other health problems. It can be pretty magical to be one with nature. It’s almost as if you don’t want to leave. You’d like to remain there forever! This is the power that living near water can have.

Advantage #7: Offers health benefits

Trees and plants release chemicals called phytoncides. This is especially true with plants and trees that grow near water. This can have a powerful effect on our white blood cells. Plants release this to protect themselves; however, humans can benefit from this. If our white blood cells are low, we can be affected negatively because we cannot effectively fight off diseases, illnesses, and infections.

Phytoncides can help increase our white blood cells and help us fight against viral infections and more. When we breathe this chemical, it can help to increase our white blood cells. So, in a way, when we are near water, and there are plants and trees close by, we can boost our white blood cell count and remain healthier, or at least better equipped to fight infections and illnesses.

Ultimately, the advantages of living near water can help us live longer and healthier lives. It can help us feel better and maintain optimal health. We tend to feel more relaxed and calm, which is good for us physically and mentally.

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