
6 Flexographic Sleeve Care Mistakes to Avoid

Flexography sleeves are, of course, critical to every business that specializes in flexographic printing services. Effective flex storage solutions and care are required to keep the sleeves in proper shape. Learn more about the effective ways to take care of your sleeves—and the mistakes to avoid.

1. Purchasing Low-Quality Sleeves

If you are in the market for new sleeves, don’t try to cut costs by choosing low-quality sleeves at cheaper rates. This will negatively impact your business in the long run. Purchase quality flexographic sleeves from a reputable brand. Choose a product that’s built to last.

High-quality products are more expensive, but you will benefit immensely in the long run. Quality sleeves are reliable, durable and offer a long-lasting performance. Furthermore, they are easier to use than their cheaper counterparts. Proper care won’t help if you use low-quality sleeves.

2. Not Handling Your Sleeves Carefully

Employees sometimes don’t know how to handle sleeves, particularly when transporting them from one point to another. Educating your employees on the best ways to carry your flexo sleeves will ensure proper handling.

Also, invest in a sleeve handling cart. This will help protect the sleeves from damage if your employees have to transport many sleeves at once. Your employees should also use a sharp knife and use light pressure if cutting flexo sleeves is require in order to reduce damage.

3. Not Cleaning the Sleeves Regularly

Another way to protect your sleeves from damage is by cleaning them regularly. The flexographic printing service is a dirty process, so it’s recommended you clean the sleeves often. By doing so, you will be able to clean the print lines. Clean both the insides and the ends of your sleeves. To make the cleaning process easier and faster, invest in a sleeve cleaning cart.

4. Use the Wrong Cleaning Products

Do not use harsh cleaning agents on your sleeves, as these can damage the sleeve’s surface. Likewise, do not use agents such as acids, alkaline solutions or salt solutions on your sleeves. If you don’t know the right cleaning product to use for your sleeves, consult a professional for recommendations. Alternatively, you can do a bit of research online where you can find myriads of cleaning products to choose from.

5. Not Allowing Your Sleeves to Dry

There are many flex storage solutions available to choose from. If your sleeves are not in use, store them properly. Remember to allow your sleeves to dry before storing them. Storing a wet sleeve can result in damage. After cleaning and drying flexo sleeves, store them in protective covers. If you are using compressed air to dry your sleeves, make sure it’s oil free.

6. Using Horizontal Storage

Storing your sleeves in a horizontal position will damage them. This storage method causes your sleeves to turn oval, making them useless. Also, the traditional horizontal storage methods may cause harm to your employees. If stacked high, the sleeves can fall and hurt them. If you are still using the outdated storage method, it’s time you considered investing in the vertical sleeve storage system. This system helps maintain the lifespan of your sleeves.

Proper care of your sleeves helps increase your productivity level and the efficiency of your flexographic printing operations.

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